Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 2: And so I Spiral Downwards into a Void of Nothingness

Entry #2

On Packing: Not done.

On Eating a Bucket of Fried Chicken: Accomplished. In one day.

On Excited to go to Korea: Not really. Initial excitement has boiled down to fear and loathing of oneself.

On Dreading Paperwork that goes Along with Study Abroad at Yonsei University: Very.

On Missing friends at W&M: Likely.

On Mad about Bringing Crappy Digital Camera and not Digital SLR: VERY! >:(

On Accomplishing anything Over this Summer: Still up in the air.

On Staying Up Late: Will probably do. Will regret as will wake up very late a/o early to be a grumpster who deserves to live in a retirement home.

On Feeling Good about Learning Korean: No. Is regretting his decision. Afraid he will feel completely and utterly retarded. Oh wait, already is.

Random: My dad measured me as 5"10 yesterday. Same height as I was for the past three years. Am wondering when the hell does next growth spurt start as aren't men supposed to keep growing later than women?

On wanting Ice Cream: Yes. More than any other pregnant woman there is. I want ice cream lodged between two S'mores Pop-Tarts. God, yes.

Day 1: Oh, Mother of...What else do I need to take?!

Entry #1

So I'm getting to ready to pack for my Critical Language Scholarship program in Korea and I just can't...

I can't...ugh.

Why the hell is packing so tedious?

It is the most... mind-numbingly boring/necessary chore in the entire universe. I hate it. It drives me up the wall each and every time I have to do it. For college, for vacation, for going to Grandma's house--I have to pack something for someone for some occasion for some time. 


Why are so many things necessary to do other things. Why can't all the things just be done with. ARGH. Why don't I know spells like Harry Potter and just put all the things into a never-ending bag.

Why don't I go to Hogwarts... :(

Plain and simple, there are just too many friggin' things in this universe.

But its mostly because I don't have an inkling where I place stuff in my house. I'm not a pack rat, but there is entirely too much crap in my small room--my room is essentially an Asian pawn shop filled with years and years of childhood things. Pokemon, Playstation, A+ Grades (of where there are few and little now...). 

Its impressive to find things when I need them, but its exhausting to actually try finding the things.

So I get to my conundrum. My room is an Asian pawn shop and I hate packing. I've been trying to pack for the past week and I feel like I'm done.

Yeah, no.

So wish me luck as I try not to surpass the TSA's 50 lb. bag limit.