Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 2: And so I Spiral Downwards into a Void of Nothingness

Entry #2

On Packing: Not done.

On Eating a Bucket of Fried Chicken: Accomplished. In one day.

On Excited to go to Korea: Not really. Initial excitement has boiled down to fear and loathing of oneself.

On Dreading Paperwork that goes Along with Study Abroad at Yonsei University: Very.

On Missing friends at W&M: Likely.

On Mad about Bringing Crappy Digital Camera and not Digital SLR: VERY! >:(

On Accomplishing anything Over this Summer: Still up in the air.

On Staying Up Late: Will probably do. Will regret as will wake up very late a/o early to be a grumpster who deserves to live in a retirement home.

On Feeling Good about Learning Korean: No. Is regretting his decision. Afraid he will feel completely and utterly retarded. Oh wait, already is.

Random: My dad measured me as 5"10 yesterday. Same height as I was for the past three years. Am wondering when the hell does next growth spurt start as aren't men supposed to keep growing later than women?

On wanting Ice Cream: Yes. More than any other pregnant woman there is. I want ice cream lodged between two S'mores Pop-Tarts. God, yes.

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